Doctor of Education in Educational Leadership

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This collection includes dissertations from Doctor of Education in Educational Leadership students.


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    The Study of Evaluating Teacher Perspectives of Collective Efficacy in the High School Professional Learning Community
    (Florida Southern College, 2019) Farina, Marygrace
    This mixed-methodology study explored collective efficacy within the high school Professional Learning Community (PLC) from teachers’ perspectives in southwest Florida. This text/data collection and analysis process revealed the teachers’ opinions expressed in their voices and interactions displayed within their PLCs. Furthermore, the implementation of the sociogram which Owens & Valesky (2015) defined as a graphic that illustrated the social interactions within a human group, and the Teacher Collaboration Assessment Rubric (Woodland, 2016) added to the depth of the quantitative and qualitative analysis. In addition to the personal interviews and field observations, both collection tools exposed the real situations that occurred in these PLCs. The results of this study divulged that the complex and challenging learning environments of high school campus has made it necessary for educators to find emotional support and knowledge within the talents and expertise of their PLC members. The conclusion of the study further discovered that the role of the administration had a great impact on the effectiveness or ineffectiveness of the high school PLC. Bring to light the powerful catalyst of a trusting school culture on the successful development of a proficient PLC.
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    A Case Study of Leadership and Disciplinary Practices Used by Secondary School Leaders to Support Equity for Black Male Students
    (Florida Southern College, 2017) Haggins, Jazrick
    The school-to-prison pipeline has plagued black males for many years. When school leaders apply disciplinary consequences such as in-school and out-of-school suspension, they inadvertently foster the push-out of black males by removing them from the classroom. When black males are removed from the classroom through suspension, the opportunities to excel in social and academic environments significantly decrease. The social construction of race in the context of school discipline supports how black males are stereotyped by the way they dress, their cultural background, and their everyday demeanor (Simson, 2014). Because of this stereotypical societal perception, black males are often generalized as being defiant, disrespectful, and dangerous. It is important for educational leaders to have an awareness of how black males are perceived in school and create opportunities for equitable disciplinary practices towards black male students. The purpose of this study was to explore leadership and disciplinary practices used by secondary school leaders to support equity for black male students. The researcher used qualitative research to conduct three instrumental case studies. Three high schools were used as part of this research: one suburban and two urban. The researcher interviewed and observed three high school principals and high school assistant principals. The exploratory questions that guided this research are listed below: 1. What factors, as perceived by school leaders, play a role in equitable school disciplinary practices for black male students? 2. What data sources do school leaders principals utilize that may influence disciplinary practices towards black male students? 3. What discretionary practices do school leaders use or take into consideration that support equity when handling a disciplinary incident that directly involves black male students? 4. How do school leaders develop and train faculty and staff members to reflect a shared vision to support equity for black male students? This study was designed based upon research done on the Critical Race Theory and the Racial Threat Theory. The racial threat theory suggests that minorities are perceived to present an economic, political, and criminal threat to the dominant social group. The Critical Race Theory suggests that racial stigmatization, stereotyping, and implicit biases are based on a long history of racial prejudice in the United States. Inequity in school discipline for black males has been an ongoing issue for several years. Qualitative research examined how school leaders support black males and maintain equity in leadership and disciplinary practices for black male students. Several components are considered to support equity, and those components range from building positive relationships to promoting parental involvement in education. The researcher offers policy implications on disciplinary practices and recommendations for further research for school leadership.
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    A Quantitative Study of P-12 Public, Rural Principals' Self-efficacy with Florida's Principal Leadership Standards
    (Florida Southern College, 2019) Crawford, Teresa McKenzie
    The purpose of this study was to determine what variables increase self-efficacy for public, rural P-12 principals in Florida’s principal leadership standards. The study’s intent was to also determine what sources principals acknowledged as their source of self-efficacy in each standard. For the context of this study, sources of self-efficacy were operationalized and ranked by respondents. Self-efficacy in each standard was determined by a continuous rating 0-10 in each of the skills established by the Florida Department of Education as comprising each of the nine standards evaluated in this study. The data was analyzed using non-parametric measures because of the skewness of the data as determined by the Kolmogorow-Smirnov test. Pearson’s, Mann-Whitney U, and Kruskal-Wallis were used to determine relationships of the variables studied with principals’ self-efficacy in each standard. The number of years a principal has served in that capacity had the greatest significance with having weak, positive correlations in four of the nine standards. Females had higher rates of self-efficacy in two of the nine standards, and race, ethnicity, school and school site had no relationship with self-efficacy in the nine standards. As a principal’s age increased, so too did self-efficacy in two standards. Years of teaching and years as an assistant principal had no relationship with a principal’s self-efficacy in the standards. The greatest source of self-efficacy, ranking number one, was performance outcomes, while verbal feedback was the second, and vicarious experiences ranked as third.
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    An Inquiry into Student-Led Conferences: The Yellow Brick Road Preparing Students for Their Future
    (Florida Southern College, 2020) Tatom, Lana
    Student-led conferences are a transformational shift from traditional parent-teacher conferences to the student discussing their progress with their parent. Student-led conferences have occurred in a variety of educational settings for three decades. This one aspect of change has not occurred consistently, if at all. From preschool through college and career placement, students receive numerous assessments. What is lacking is a measurement of students’ understanding of their performance, progress over time, and making a connection to their long-term goals for their future. The purpose of this study was to examine the experiences of those using student-led conferences, to determine how student-led conferences may prepare students for future academics and careers, how teachers use student-led conferences to inform instruction, and how school leaders create a school culture that fosters student-led conferences. This dissertation presents findings from a qualitative phenomenology study conducted by interviewing participants in two schools; a public elementary Title I school with a poverty rate of over ninety percent in the northern United States, and a charter public secondary collegiate school with a poverty rate of thirty-three percent in the southern United States. The schools and participants represent diversity in demographic data from levels of poverty, gender, and race. Findings from this research indicate student-led conferences benefit many stakeholders and once the shift occurs from teacher-led to student-led conferences stakeholders prefer student-led conferences. Student-led conferences help students improve their communication skills. Teachers observe how students demonstrate their learning to their families to inform instruction. School leaders are instrumental in creating a school culture for student-led conferences.
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    A Qualitative Case Study of Assistive Technology Use in Inclusive Education Programs in Selected Central Florida Schools
    (Florida Southern College, 2019) Shipe, Megan
    The purpose of this collective case study is to explore the role in the integration of Assistive Technology, for teachers and leaders, in the inclusion of ESE students at selected Central Florida schools. This study attempts to answer the following research questions: • What knowledge and skills do leaders and teachers bring to the role in supporting the inclusive program? • How are leaders supporting the use of Assistive Technology to support effective inclusion? • How are teachers using Assistive Technology to support effective inclusion? • How do leaders and teachers address ethics of justice, critique, care, and professionalism in the successful use of Assistive Technology in inclusion? An in-depth collection of multiple sources of information, including interviews, documents and reports were collected and analyzed to develop a case description, case categories and case themes. Additional themes will be introduced by individual participant role. The implications of putting this research into practice could have a major impact on successful inclusive education programs. In addition, putting this research into practice could have a significant impact on the implementation of Assistive Technology in inclusive education programs. Lastly, implications of putting this research into practice could have direct impact on individual category roles identified in this study, for both leaders and teachers. The role of any school personnel is vitally important. The role of a special education school leader and teacher are even more vitally important. Whether it be elementary, middle, high, charter school, center school, private school, or an inclusion setting, the role of any individual involved with students with special needs can be challenging.
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    A Descriptive Case Study of Eighth-Grade Striving Readers’ Motivation and Resiliency: Their Perceptions of Teachers’ Care, Expectations, and Opportunities
    (Florida Southern College, 2020) Goldman, Brittany
    This mixed-methods study was designed to examine teacher behaviors relating to care, expectations, and opportunities in the reading classroom. Additionally, the study aimed to determine whether teacher behaviors related to striving readers’ “feelings of autonomy, competency, and relatedness” in their literacy instruction. A sample of seven eighth grade students were interviewed on their perceptions of teacher care, high expectations, and ongoing opportunities for participation regarding their reading instruction. The interview questions were constructed based on Zhao and Li’s (2016) context-specific measurement tool. Furthermore, they completed the Motivation for Reading Questionnaire (Wigfield & Guthrie, 1997), which assesses 11 constructs of reading motivation. This study measured 7 of 11 constructs reading: curiosity, reading compliance, reading challenges, reading efficacy, recognition for reading, reading involvement, and social reasons for reading. As an inductive approach was used, there were frequent or significant themes that emerged after analysis of the interview transcripts. The two frequent themes found relating to students’ perception of caring behaviors were having a positive tone and checking in with students. The three frequent themes found relating to students’ perceptions of high expectations were reading challenges, compliments/positive feedback, and work completion. Furthermore, there were two frequent themes found relating to students’ perceptions of having ongoing opportunities for participation, which were reviewing/scaffolding material and one-on-one instruction. Lastly, the bivariate correlational analysis revealed a positive correlation between reading curiosity and the number of reported caring behaviors, r=.76, p=.046. There was a position correlation between reading challenges and high expectations, r=.78, p=.04.
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    A Case Study Identifying Leadership Behaviors Present in Directors of Private High-Quality Preschool Programs in Central Florida
    (Florida Southern College, 2017-10) Todt, Natalie
    Federal and state governments invest in childcare programs as a way to improve school readiness skills for children. The problem facing early childhood education, and one that is negatively impacting children entering kindergarten, is that within the preschool setting the children are not learning the necessary readiness skills needed to be successful in kindergarten. Since the early 1980s, it has been shown that a child’s development can be improved by receiving a high-quality early childhood education (Ishimine and Tayler, 2014). The purpose of this qualitative case study was to examine how leadership influences the quality of the preschool program and what behaviors those leaders possess. A qualitative multiple case design was utilized because the data collected was open for interpretation by the researcher and used to construct a meaningful explanation of a complex situation by deeply exploring personal interviews. The results and evaluation of the findings were done by using cross-analysis of the data from an interview and an MLQ survey to answer two research questions. What were the leadership behaviors present in a high-quality private preschool program? What similarities and differences in the directors’ leadership behaviors were reported between a private Voluntary Prekindergarten Education (VPK) Program, which accepts federal/state funding, and a private Prekindergarten Education Program that does not accept federal/state funding? The data analysis revealed that the leaders that participated in the current study did lead with mostly transformational leadership behaviors. They also used little to no leadership behaviors found within passive leadership. It was also determined that there are more similarities in their leadership behaviors than differences.
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    Examining the Relationship between Community Colleges' Caring Practices and Student Engagement Behaviors
    (Florida Southern College, 2018-10) Sharp, Stacy Durden
    The purpose of this ex post facto study was to examine the relationship between community colleges caring practices and student engagement behaviors. For the context of this study, caring practices were designated as orientation, college success or student success courses, and welcoming college environments. Student engagement behaviors were designated as awareness and use of face-to-face tutoring, online tutoring, math, writing, and skills labs, as well as students’ self-assessment of college readiness. Using a random sample of the Center for Community College Student Engagement’s 2014 Survey of Entering College Student Engagement cohort, Chi-square tests of independence and bivariate correlations revealed statistically significant associations between on-campus orientations and students’ awareness of tutoring services; orientation courses and students’ awareness of tutoring services; college success and student success (SLS) courses and students’ use of tutoring services; and students’ assessment of college’s welcoming environment and their self-assessment of college readiness.
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    A Mixed-Methods Study on the Relationship Between Elementary School Principals’ Transformational Leadership and Teacher Self-Efficacy
    (Florida Southern College, 2020-02) Lamb, Ashlee
    School reform has evolved into an ever-changing situation that has brought both intended and unintended effects on teachers. Many of these affects come from stronger accountability measures. This level of accountability is likely to increase performance pressure on teachers, which causes many teachers to feel burnout (Hill & Barth, 2004). School principals are responsible for understanding current national, state, and local mandates with a deep understanding of how these mandates will affect their teachers and students. Therefore, principals are faced with being a buffer between the pressure of school reform and how they are implemented at a school level. How these policies are communicated and enforced has a significant impact on teach self-efficacy levels (hbr, 2016). There are many types of leadership styles present in education. Transformational leadership has gained popularity over time due to its perceived successes (Howell, 1993). Care must be used when examining transformational leadership to ensure that the intention of the leader is authentic, and not of selfish gain (Tourish, 2013). This research aimed to examine elementary school principals who are also transformational leaders and illuminate how they increase or decrease teacher self-efficacy levels. This was done through principal and teacher interviews, as well as teacher surveys. This research also compared the teacher self-efficacy levels of schools with a transformational principal to those lacking a transformational principal. It is evident through this research that elementary principals who operate as transformational leaders outshine other leadership styles in the ways in which they run their school and continually reflect on their own leadership practices. No barriers to self-efficacy were reported by teachers who had transformational principals. Teachers at schools with a transformational principal have significantly higher levels of self-efficacy in every category.
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    The Leak in the Pipeline: Retaining African American Male Teachers in K-12 Education
    (Florida Southern College, 2020-11) Chapman, Pamela S. 
    The purpose of this qualitative study was to explore the lived experiences of African American male teachers by studying retention efforts, organizational conditions that undermine efforts and related experiences in order to gain insight on why African American male teachers are leaving the field of education at rates higher than other teacher groups. Using the Critical Race Theory framework, two guiding research questions explored the experiences of African American male teachers: What are the lived experiences of African American male teachers? What experiences contribute to African American male teachers remaining in education? The Leak in the Pipeline: Retaining African American Male Teachers in K–12 Education examines the experiences of ten African American male teachers with six or more years of teaching experience currently employed in K–12 public schools. This analysis applies an interpretive phenomenological approach to the semi-structured interviews. The coded responses were divided into six categories and then merged into two major themes: transform transference and double consciousness. The findings revealed reasons African American male teachers leave the field of education and retention strategies. The study concludes with implications for school districts, colleges of education, and public policy and recommendations for future research.
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    Examining Effective Instructional Leadership in Mathematics: A Case Study
    (Florida Southern College, 2018-03) Hebert, Scott
    The researcher has developed a case study using a qualitative research methodology to understand the practices a principal in an elementary school in rural Florida has utilized to develop instructional capacity and a culture for high achievement in mathematics. A Nation At Risk is a report that spawned a reform agenda that challenged teacher effectiveness through the quality of education that students received in public schools. The report revealed that there was a decline in the achievement of students in the United States and concerns with curriculum and teaching (National Commission on Excellence in Education, 1983, April). This study has attempted to uncover the knowledge principals need regarding structures, systems, and practices to best support learning so that they can ensure all teachers, experienced and inexperienced, access these structures and systems. The following research question has been used to guide the study: What leadership practices exist with an elementary principal as those practices influence mathematics instructional techniques and student achievement in a small rural school district? A qualitative case study methodology has been chosen for this study. The research focuses on the organization and processes, not on recording the life stories of the individuals (Yin, 2014). This study provided evidence and support to understand what qualities, skills, and strategies need to be developed with leaders as they work in schools to increase achievement in mathematics. The principal is at the center of directing the operation and function of a school. Marshalling resources, garnering support, and empowering teachers are all part of the daily work of a principal. This will be the work that needs to be done as we continue to look at leadership and its impact on improving the instructional program in mathematics.
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    Stories from Black Men on the School-to-Prison Pipeline: A Critical Race Theory, Phenomenological Inquiry
    (Florida Southern College, 2020-01) Livesay, Elizabeth D.
    The purpose of this qualitative study was to explore the lived experiences of black men who are on the metaphorical school-to-prison pipeline as a direct result of exclusionary discipline in their secondary school. Using the theoretical framework of critical race theory and the analytical framework of phenomenology, this study attempts to answer the following research questions: What is the lived experience of Black males who are in the gap between expulsion and incarceration? How does the relationship between Black males and the adults they encounter in their education (e.g. parents, teachers, administrators, and police) shape their perception of their lived experiences? What do Black males on the school-to-prison pipeline believe caused their path from desk to cell? What are the future hopes and dreams of Black males who are in the time between expulsion and adjudication? The phenomenon of the school-to-prison pipeline was explored through the lens of five black men, ages 18-19. Each participant was interviewed three times following a semi-structured protocol; the interviews were recorded and transcribed. Meaning units were derived from the men’s stories and then compiled into themes. The themes presented themselves as dualities—contrasts with which the men experienced and navigated the school system, the criminal justice system, and their communities. The study concludes with concrete recommendations for the institutions (i.e. schools, courts, and society) and the individuals (i.e. teachers, administrators, district personnel, police, lawyers, judges, and community members) who make up the systems.
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    Recruitment, Retention, and Utilization of Adequately Prepared High School Mathematics Teachers in Florida’s Rural Districts
    (Florida Southern College, 2018-03) Shumard, Lorinda J. 
    This study investigates recruitment, retention, and utilization of adequately prepared high school mathematics teachers in Florida’s rural districts. The research is a result of public concern regarding low passing rates on End-of-Course exams in secondary mathematics classes. Fearing this problem might be the result of unprepared mathematics teachers, the study investigates methods for recruiting and retaining educators in rural areas with low socioeconomic student populations. Given the inconsistency in government regulation and low minimum criteria set by the state, identifying adequately prepared educators is a difficult task for administrators. This is notably arduous in critical shortage areas like mathematics and science, where successful educators must possess substantial content knowledge. This phenomenological study identifies methods of recruitment, retention, and utilization that can assist districts in filling mathematics classrooms with competent teachers by examining best practices of rural Florida high school principals whose schools have the highest achievement scores in mathematics and student bodies with a similar low socioeconomic status. Principal interviews identify methods for recruiting and retaining adequately prepared applicants for mathematics positions, strategies to deal with the effects of alternative certification on recruitment and retention, and strategies that maximize the instructional effectiveness of mathematics teachers who have diverse levels of certification. In addition to helpful methods and strategies for administrators, the qualitative study uncovers a desperate lack of applicants for mathematics teaching positions. As a result, the study includes implications for action and suggestions for policymakers with the hope of improving the quality and availability of exceptional mathematics educators in Florida’s rural districts.
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    Phenomenological Study: Recruitment and Retention of Highly Qualified Teachers in North Florida Title I Elementary Schools
    (Florida Southern College, 2022-08) Johnson, Cynthia L.
    On average, about 50% of teachers leave within the first five years of entering the classroom with the attrition rate for teachers in Title I schools being almost 50% greater than non-Title I schools. Principals know and understand the pressures that cause teachers to leave the profession; however, little research has been done on how to recruit and retain highly qualified teachers. This qualitative phenomenological study was designed to investigate practices of high-performing elementary Title I school principals in their quest to recruit and retain highly qualified teachers. This study explored the purposeful practices of principals to recruit and retain highly qualified teachers, as well as the perceptions of their teachers in these practices. Interviews with five principals and eleven teachers from high-performing Title I schools across north Florida served as the basis for this study. Horizontalization of the data was conducted through multiple readings and pulling significant quotes and ideas that provided an understanding of the individual’s lived experiences. This study revealed that word of mouth, networking, and requesting interns are three practices principals use to recruit highly qualified teachers. An assessment of retention practices showed that principals strive to create a positive environment and support teachers in their practice. This study also looked at teachers’ perspectives in the practices of principals to recruit and retain highly qualified teachers. Results of the data show that a positive environment was most important, followed by support of teachers in their accepting a position and their decision to stay in a position.
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    Tackling Mathematics Differentiation: Embracing Change and Building Capacity Through School Leadership Support and Practitioner Pedagogy in K-8 Mathematic Practices
    (Florida Southern College, 2020-06) Pion, Debra
    Recently released data from international math and science assessments indicate that U.S. students continue to underperform when compared to other countries. Mathematics achievement has not only shown a downward trend but has also been stagnant in the United States for several years (National Center for Education Statistics, 2018). The shift in the delivery of instructional content is crucial for mathematics achievement to increase. This is where differentiated curricula would prove beneficial in reaching eclectic learners in a mixed ability classroom (Tomlinson, 2001). The purpose of this study was twofold. First, to explore the support relationship between school principals and educators leading to a differentiated instruction initiative, and secondly to identify perceived barriers leading to a comprehensive mathematics DI initiative.A single instrumental qualitative case study design was utilized to collect data to construct a meaningful explanation to the framework of a mathematics differentiated instruction (DI) initiative. This study was intended to gather data from both teachers and school leader’s reflecting their insights of an effectively designed DI program in the K-8 mathematics classroom. Research questions centered on how school leaders offer support to a DI program and what teachers’ perceptions are of the support given. Additionally, perceived barriers of mathematics differentiation through the lens’ of teachers and school leaders were explored. Data saturation was achieved after interviews with school leaders and teachers as well as the collection of artifacts. Data gathered was merged for thematic content analysis that identified themes. Analysis revealed that school leaders and teachers agreed that time and teacher buy-in were barriers to a DI initiative. However, much of the data collected were in direct contrast to each other and represented dissenting viewpoints of the implementation of a mathematics differenced instruction initiative.
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    A Quantitative Study Analyzing Predictive Factors That Affect Achievement on Florida’s Algebra I End-of-Course Exam (EOC)
    (Florida Southern College, 2017) Holley, Hope D.
    Despite research that high-stakes tests do not improve knowledge, Florida requires students to pass an Algebra I End-of-Course exam (EOC) to earn a high school diploma. Test passing scores are determined by a raw score to t-score to scale score analysis. This method ultimately results as a comparative test model where students’ passage is determined by how well they performed compared to other test takers. Unfortunately, passing rates have been as low as 19%. In addition to determining whether the student earns a diploma, the EOC determines math competency, which leads to student labeling, directs course tracking into college preparatory or non-college preparatory classes, and negatively impacts student motivation. Furthermore, the EOC alters curriculum and de-emphasizes 21st century skills. Vygotsky’s sociocultural theory suggests that students’ capabilities to learn stem from cultural influences, coupled with Vygotsky’s theory of the zone of proximal development, which advocates for teaching and learning with the idea that learning occurs even when mastery is not achieved. This quantitative study explores cultural variables as predictors on the EOC. Findings suggest that as the percent of socioeconomically disadvantaged students and the percent of minority students in a district increase, the percent passing on the EOC decreases. The size of the district is not significant. Additional findings propose that students who are socioeconomically disadvantaged score higher on the EOC in districts that have higher median household incomes, but districts’ unemployment rate and cost of living index are not predictors of achievement. These findings have implications for district leaders, as well as state policymakers. Additionally, statistical models reported can be used to establish yearly goals, as well as Schools Improvement Plan (SIP).
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    An Examination of Positive Coaching Alliance Triple Impact Competitor Workshops on the Moral Knowing of Secondary School Athletes
    (Florida Southern College, 2017) Flynn, Michael R.
    A common belief in United States culture is that “…sports can provide opportunities for personal growth and social development.” (Ewing, 1997). Unfortunately, more recent research has suggested there is a growing trend to the contrary. As a result, those whose work it is to develop an athlete’s morality should seek out strategies that have been evaluated for their effectiveness. Therefore, the purpose of this quantitative study was to examine the degree to which participating in Positive Coaching Alliance (PCA) Workshops affect secondary school athletes’ level of moral knowing.
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    Limiting Factors in Women’s Attainment of Leadership Positions in Higher Education Administration
    (Florida Southern College, 2016) DeConcilio, Danielle
    The representation of women in higher education leadership roles does not accurately reflect the female student population in institutions of higher education or in higher education faculty.Limited studies exist applying a feminist framework in the world of higher education to the themes of power and privilege associated with many male leaders. The purpose of this mixed method research study grounded in a feminist phenomenological framework with references to social role theory was to itemize a list of limiting factors that hold women back from achieving leadership roles in higher level education in the hopes of ameliorating the struggles and culturally-instituted biases women must meet and overcome by acting strategically to serve as senior leaders at colleges and universities. Interviews with eight women in higher education leadership roles and a quantitative survey completed by 139 women in higher education leadership roles served as the basis for this study. The findings of this study revealed that participants struggle to maintain satisfying personal and professional lives. Women also must sometimes seemingly choose between motherhood and a career, balancing a sense of guilt and self-sacrifice. The idea of what constitutes a true mentorship and the principles of transformational leadership were also investigated. In terms of overcoming barriers, those who participated agreed that their gender was a barrier in obtaining leadership roles in higher education in some instances and that the good old boy network still exists. Recommendations for increasing female representation in educational leadership included creating more transparent leave and hiring practices and the idea of tenure stop clock. A call to action to minimize gender bias and build a more supportive culture were made as a result of the findings in this study.
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    A Study of Latina K-12 Public School Administrators: Barriers and Strategies to Career Advancement and the Impact of Race and Gender on Ascension and Leadership
    (2016) Tayloe, Lisandra
    The numbers of Latinas in educational leadership positions are minuscule and not reflective of the Hispanic student population in the United States. Limited studies exist exclusively on the lived experiences of Latina administrators and the roles that race and gender play in their careers. Grounded on critical race theory, this mixed methods research study identified barriers related to the attainment, retention, and promotion of Latina, K-12 educational leaders. It then examined the effects of these barriers, as well as identifying successful strategies employed by Latina educational leaders in order to overcome perceived barriers. This study also examined the roles that race and gender play in the careers of Latina educational administrators. The findings of this study were derived from a Likert-type questionnaire, inclusive of categorical responses, open-ended responses, and a voluntary short-answer section that was administered to Latinas in the roles of public school assistant principals and principals. Data were also gathered from interviews conducted with four Latina public school administrators. Data were analyzed by utilizing SPSS 23 statistical software and through thematic categorization. Results indicate that race and gender may be inseparable factors challenging Latinas in their attaining and advancing through educational leadership roles and that race and gender play integral roles in Latinas’ leadership practice and style. Latina administrators contend with racism, racial stereotyping, deficit thinking, cronyism, menial role assignment, and a lack of professional support systems. Latinas employ many successful strategies to compete with perceived barriers that would likely challenge their career advancement. Recommendations for ensuring equitable hiring practices, increasing Latina educational leadership representation, and promoting diversity within institutions of learning were presented. A call to action to eradicate racial and gender bias, racism, racial discrimination, stereotyping, and deficit thinking on aspiring and practicing Latina administrators was made as a result of the findings in this study.