A Quantitative Study of P-12 Public, Rural Principals' Self-efficacy with Florida's Principal Leadership Standards



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Florida Southern College


The purpose of this study was to determine what variables increase self-efficacy for public, rural P-12 principals in Florida’s principal leadership standards. The study’s intent was to also determine what sources principals acknowledged as their source of self-efficacy in each standard. For the context of this study, sources of self-efficacy were operationalized and ranked by respondents. Self-efficacy in each standard was determined by a continuous rating 0-10 in each of the skills established by the Florida Department of Education as comprising each of the nine standards evaluated in this study. The data was analyzed using non-parametric measures because of the skewness of the data as determined by the Kolmogorow-Smirnov test. Pearson’s, Mann-Whitney U, and Kruskal-Wallis were used to determine relationships of the variables studied with principals’ self-efficacy in each standard. The number of years a principal has served in that capacity had the greatest significance with having weak, positive correlations in four of the nine standards. Females had higher rates of self-efficacy in two of the nine standards, and race, ethnicity, school and school site had no relationship with self-efficacy in the nine standards. As a principal’s age increased, so too did self-efficacy in two standards. Years of teaching and years as an assistant principal had no relationship with a principal’s self-efficacy in the standards. The greatest source of self-efficacy, ranking number one, was performance outcomes, while verbal feedback was the second, and vicarious experiences ranked as third.


Dissertation presented in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Education in Educational Leadership in the School of Education at Florida Southern College by Teresa Crawford.


Educational administration, Educational leadership


Crawford, T. M. (2019). A Quantitative Study of P-12 Public, Rural Principals' Self-efficacy with Florida's Principal Leadership Standards (Order No. 27541578). Available from ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global: The Humanities and Social Sciences Collection. (2307785962). https://www.proquest.com/dissertations-theses/quantitative-study-p-12-public-rural-principals/docview/2307785962/se-2