Griner, Jake2019-05-292019-05-292019-04 thesis Spring 2019Chordoma is a rare primary spinal cancer which affects one in one million people and has an average survival time of seven years. Despite advances in surgical techniques and radiation therapy, approximately 30% of chordoma patients develop metastatic disease at some point. Local recurrence is a significant issue for case where the tumor cannot be completely removed, and may appear as soon as a few months post-surgery. For this reason, there is great clinical interest in finding effective therapies that can prevent or treat recurrent or metastatic tumors. In this project, it was determined that one out of three tested chordoma cell lines experienced significant radio-sensitization following exposure to vorinostat, an FDA approved pan-HDAC inhibitor. In the three cell lines tested, it does not appear that HDAC6 plays a major role in radiation response. While further testing is necessary, this data suggests that vorinostat in combination with radiation is a possible therapeutic option for chordoma and should be investigated.ChordomaCancer—RadiotherapyCancer—ResearchCancer—TreatmentThe Possible Role for Histone Deacetylase Inhibition as a Radiosensitizer in ChordomaThesis