Campos, Armando2019-05-292019-05-292019-04 thesis Spring 2019This is a thesis on the application of the Landing Error Scoring System (LESS) for a Division II women’s basketball team. The LESS is designed to identify biomechanical deficiencies in athletes by analyzing several different stages of a box jump. The jumps were videotaped as a drop from a 12-inch box. Using the scores obtained from the LESS, both Athletic Training and Strength and Conditioning staff collaborated to help design individual plans for each athlete to optimize athletic performance and reduce injury risk. The data obtained for this thesis was gathered from a Division II women’s basketball team. LESS scores were compared to each individual’s Power Index, and injury records throughout the season.Landing Error Scoring SystemWomen basketball playersJumpingPhysical education and trainingSports injuriesLESS is More An Investigation of Biomechanical Diagnosis Methods in Division II Women’s Basketball PlayersThesis